Gulf African Bank’s procurement policy was revised to offer 20% procurement opportunities to women-owned business. The Bank’s Supplier Diversity and Inclusion Program begun in 2015 when the bank signed up to champion Principle 5 of Women Empowerment Principles i.e. Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women through the supplier diversity workshops dubbed “Meet the buyer” so as to train women entrepreneurs on how to be more procurement ready.
The bank started offering capacity building trainings on Core areas i.e. Procurement readiness, Tax, Tendering, Contract Management (Forums were held in Nairobi, Mombasa and Nakuru) as well as networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs to engage and learn from one another through the Annisaa Program. By addressing the gender dimension of good corporate citizenship, the Bank plays its role in sustainable development. It also strengthens our brand recognition and customer loyalty.